TMJ: An Unheard Story of Losing Sleep

When people hear “TMJ” they usually think of clicking jaws and painful chews. However, there is more to TMJ than most understand. Patients with TMJ have common complaints of headaches, back pain, dizziness, and tinnitus (ringing of the ears), but TMD has also been linked to sleep deprivation.

The relationship between sleep deprivation and TMD is somewhat cyclical. The pain most patients have associated with TMD frequently disrupt patient’s sleep and insufficient sleep may also increase chances for developing TMD. This happens because bodies need the proper amount of quality sleep each night to rest and rejuvenate. Sleep is essential for bones, muscles, joints, and nerves – they all rely upon sleep in order to function properly and repair themselves from daily function. The jaw bone and all its comprising tendons and muscles need to heal daily from the use and stress it occurs throughout waking hours. If you suffer from TMD, it’s time to make sleep a priority. In addition, both TMD and sleep deprivation are linked to stress and anxiety.

Did you know there are some rather surprising side effects of sleep loss? It is true! Consistent sleep deprivation can also cause:

  • Patients to gain weight
  • Age the skin faster
  • Loss of memory
  • Make you think you’re not losing sleep.
Learn More About Sleep Loss Issues

Call Our Dentist at 615-928-2840 right now – your jaw health and sleep depend on it.