How is Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?

How is Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?Typically a sleep medicine doctor can diagnose sleep apnea. There are two types of testings that can be done: an in facility sleep lab or a take home test.

The process leading up to a sleep test is somewhat involved as doctors typically ask for a sleep diary to be kept. This is a journal for 2-4 weeks notating the hours you slept and when, how many times you woke, and any difficulties you experienced. This is important because it helps the doctor to get a sense of your symptoms and if they align with sleep apnea or if the sleep issues may be caused by something else.

The two sleep studies that can help a doctor diagnose sleep apnea are similar, yet still different. An in-facility sleep study requires a patient to stay over night and sleep in the facility where there are monitors connected to the patient. These monitors monitor various data points such as heart rate, breathing, movement, etc. The results are used in a follow up appointment with doctors to diagnose sleep apnea.

The home sleep tests are typically given to patients of less risk and less complicated cases. These are smaller, portable monitors that are given to patients to take home. Medical staff will instruct patients how to properly attach to them in order to collect the data needed by doctors. Of the two, this is the less expensive, though sleep tests are usually covered by many insurers.

If you believe you may have sleep apnea, call the Dentist. He has treated thousands of cases of sleep apnea with custom oral appliances and has extensive experience in both cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, restorative dentistry as well as treatment of sleep disorders.