Is Your Jaw Pain MPD or TMJ?

TMJ jaw pain in Brentwood TN

Jaw pain is no small thing. It can interfere with eating, speaking, and lead to headaches, among other things. Two potential culprits are TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) and MPD (myofascial pain disorder). How can we at Sleep Apnea & TMJ Solutions in Brentwood and Murfreesboro TN distinguish between the two? And, equally important, how can…

Unraveling the Mystery of TMJ and Its Surprising Connection to Sleep Apnea

Living with persistent jaw pain or experiencing difficulty with simple daily tasks like chewing can be more than just an inconvenience—it might be an indication of a deeper issue, like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Although commonly misunderstood as solely a branch of dentistry, TMJ disorders can have far-reaching effects, with a surprising link to a…

Proven TMJ Treatments in Brentwood and Murfreesboro

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can be incredibly disruptive to your daily life, causing pain and discomfort while you sleep or throughout the day. If you’re suffering from this condition, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans struggle with TMJ each year. Luckily, there are proven treatments available at Sleep Apnea & TMJ Solutions that can help…

Are Your Migraines and TMJ Related?

Migraines and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder are related in some ways but different in others. Both can cause intense pain, and they sometimes occur at the same time. But the causes and treatment options for migraines and TMJ differ significantly. In this article from Sleep Apnea & TMJ Solutions in Brentwood and Murfreesboro TN, we…

TMJ Pain Isn’t Permanent; It’s Treatable!

At Sleep Apnea & TMJ Solutions in Brentwood and Murfreesboro TN, we know the symptoms of TMJ can sometimes be unbearable. Any extended period of time spent dealing with headaches, jaw pain, and stiffness while chewing will whittle away at your patience and quality of life. Now, imagine years of it! Luckily, with TMJ/TMD treatment…

3 Ways To Relieve TMJ Tension

At Sleep Apnea & TMJ Solutions in Brentwood and Murfreesboro TN, we help patients with TMJ/TMD every day. But we know how hard it can be to diagnose the condition; after all, jaw pain and headaches – the two major symptoms – can also be signs of entirely different problems. This is why we always…

Five Tips To Treat TMJ Headaches

At Sleep Apnea & TMJ Solutions in Brentwood and Murfreesboro TN, we treat TMJ and help patients suffering from headaches every day. Our team knows that a tension headache can range from annoying to very painful, and they can happen often! Sometimes too often to schedule a consult every time. In order to make your…